Thursday, 25 December 2008

Oysters with Grapefruit Granita

I know oysters are not the traditional feast over christmas, but I think you can get a little tired of the salty pork meat and the big desserts. Off course you don´t change the classics but in between the big meals you can endulge in something a bit lighter and seafood. I got these oysters from the market in downtown stockholm. The oysters are from Normandy in France and are a real delicatesse. If you are not a big fan of oysters you can add a bit of grapefruit granita to take away the intense salty sea flavor, but I actually like the fresh flavor from the sea.

10 oysters

For the Grapefruit Granita
1 cup grapefruit juice
½ tbsp vodka
½ tbsp sugar
3tbsp champagne vinigar or white wine vinigar

Mix the ingrediants together and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Freeze for 1 hour. Then rake the frosted grapefruit into kristals with a fork and freeze again for 1 hour. Do the same thing once again and freeze until serving. The frozen grapefruit should be small kristals.


Iris Heidur said...

Eiga ostrurnar ekki að gera kraftaverk fyrir ástarlífið..kynorkuna eða eitthvað slíkt:)Prófa þær kannski ef þetta verður verulega slæmt á bænum..hehehe. Annars er ég svo klígjugjörn..get ekki einu sinni borðað kræklinga. Verð að taka mig saman og fullorðnast í þessum málum...det går ikke! Við eigum slatta af folaldakjöti (keyptum 1/4 skrokk)..kannski þú lumir á einhverju góðu?
Knús á línuna

Anonymous said...

I tried oysters once but didn´t like it that much really, but this is a good idea. I bet you could do all kinds of different granitas with the oysters.

Happy New *Year
