Sunday 15 February 2009

Meringue with Pears, hazelnuts and Ginger Chocolate

This is one of many different ways of making this type of marengue dessert. You can use other fruits like bananas or peaches and you can flavor the chocolate sauce by adding some liquor in stead of the candied ginger. In whatever way you choose to go I can promise that it will taste fuc... wonderful and you will be a star at your next dinner party.
  • 4 egg whites
    pinch of salt
    200g caster sugar
  • 2 handfuls of hazelnuts
  • 1 large or 2 small tins of pears
  • 200g dark chocolate
    zest from ½ orange
    2 pieces candied ginger (condenced ginger)
  • 2 dl double cream
    1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out
    1tbsp icing sugar

Preheat oven to 150˚C. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt and gradually add the caster sugar. Whisk untill it forms stiff peaks. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 60 minutes. When ready, set aside to cool.

Roast the hazelnuts in the oven for 10 minutes.

Melt the chocolate over simmering water and add the orange zest and chopped ginger.

Whip the cream with the vanilla seeds and icing sugar.

Cut the pears into halves and scatter over the baked merangue. Spread the whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top. Roughly chopp the hazelnuts and scatter over the whipped cream and chocolate sauce.


Anonymous said...

how could anyone resist that?? what a wonderful combination of flavors and I like the rustic feel of the meringue. Good job


Anonymous said...

yummyumm, looks good:)

johanna DK

Anonymous said...

ohhh your first photo is such a grabber, beautiful, makes me want to eat it right now!!!


Anonymous said...

pecan pie!! mmmmm...namminamm, love that pecan pie ; )

Anonymous said...

you and your fu.... pecan pie!! it was a whalnut pie you dummy...:)and boy could you eat it man

Hennti öllum köku, desert og pie afgöngum eftir að þú fórst....enn þú varst ansi duglegur við að klára þetta

Er ekki gott að vera komin heim??? Hlakka mikið til að fá stelpurnar mínar aftur


Anonymous said...

Nú fær Hlynur bara að knúsa Lilju Marín fyrir þig:) Hún er að fara austur á morgun. Henni hlakkar svo til! Svo er nú bara vika í að þú fáir hana til þin aftur :)

Gummi það er svo bannað að taka rassíu í desertum þegar ég kem heim, búin að detta all svakalega í það í óhollustunni hérna á Íslandinu svo núna máttu bara fara að búa til Sushi og eitthvað svona hollt ;)mmmm....hlakka til að koma aftur heim til einka kokksins míns :)

Puss och kram