Wednesday 8 July 2009

Scallops with Squash Sauce

1 butternut squash, peeled and diced
1 banana schalotte, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 glas white wine
100ml chicken stock
100ml cream, (full fat)
butter and oil
salt and pepper to season
300g mixed mushrooms
butter and oil
salt and pepper
8-12 scallops
butter and oil
lemon juce

For the sauce, heat a pan on high heat and sweat the onions and garlic in some butter and oil. Add the butternut squash, white wine and chicken stock to the pan and stir together. Season well with salt and pepper and let simmer on medium heat for 10-12 minutes or till the squash is ready. Add the cream and purré in a mixer.

For the mushrooms, add some butter and oil to another pan and cook the mushrooms for 2 -3 minutes and season with salt and pepper.
For the scallops, season well and cook for 1 min on each side on a hot grill with some butter and oil. When done, squeeze some lemon juce to give them a extra kick. Decorate with parmesan shavings and whatercress.


Iris Heidur said...

Vá..nammmm...kannast reyndar ekki við banana schallots, mátt alveg segja mér hvað það er og líka hvort þetta sé fyrir 2-4. Gæti þetta kannski verið forréttur fyrir 4?
Later, sys

Unknown said...

ég steingleymdi að svara þér Íris mín....sorry :)

Ja þessi réttur er fyrir 4-6 manns en er einmitt passlegur sem forréttur fyrir 8 líka. Reykna þá með 1 hörpuskel á mann.

Banana shalott er bara shalott laukur sem er aðeins stærri og lengri og er því kallaður banan shalott.

æeg mæli með þessum fyrir næsta matarboð.

kv Gummi